Thursday, April 4, 2019

His Word Today: Light

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel passage is a continuation of the passage we heard in yesterday's liturgy.  Today, Jesus speaks of the importance of John (the Baptist).  Jesus refers to John as a burning and shining lamp ... who testifies on my behalf (Jn 5:35, 32).  But the truth is that although John's light was important in order to point us in the right direction, ultimately, Jesus has testimony that is greater than John's (Jn 5:36).

John came to bear witness to Jesus, and Jesus came to bear witness to the Father.  This is the good news that Jesus tried to share with us; this is the good news that has been passed down through the generations; this is the good news that has been passed on to us.  Each of us has a choice to make:  we can accept this good news and choose to believe it, or we can turn away from it and refuse to believe that it is true.

For those who have dared to test its validity, those who have come to believe in the truth of this light, there is no other explanation that makes any sense - other than to believe that our loving God came to live among us in the form of a human being - just like us - in order to share the light of his truth with us.  This Lenten season is a privileged opportunity for all of us to come to this conclusion on our own, through our own prayer and reflection.  In the end, this truth is the source of the light that guides our steps as people of faith.

Have a great day.

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