Tuesday, April 9, 2019

His Word Today: Focused

Good morning everyone,

The gospel passage for today's liturgy (Jn 8:21-30) provides us with yet another lesson in discipleship.  Jesus says to the Pharisees (and as always to all of us as well), I am going away and you will look for me ... (Jn 8:21).  Looking for Jesus is the task of every disciple: seeking to live as he teaches us to live, taking care of others as he did, loving everyone according to his example ... all the while looking for him by striving to recognize his face in the faces of those we encounter.

Training ourselves to constantly look for Jesus as we make our way through each day is essential if we want to live as people of faith.  Looking for Jesus helps us not to be stopped by the suffering and miseries that are encountered, but rather to recognize these as opportunities for demonstrating mercy and compassion toward others ... simply because we see them not as strangers but as our brothers and sisters.

Ask for this grace today: to look for Jesus ... and to see others as he sees them.

Have a great day.

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