Monday, April 8, 2019

His Word Today: Darkness

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel, Jesus gives us an image which will help us to grow in trusting him.  He says: I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness (Jn 8:12).  This is a significant image for us as we make our way through Lent.

There are so many in our world who - at least on the surface - seem to be progressing in life.  From the point of view of a bystander, such people appear to have plans for their lives; they may even be enjoying a certain level of success, yet if we were to have the privilege of knowing such people at some level, even if it meant only to know a bit about them or to see just below the surface of their appearances, in many cases, we might see how the external appearance does not match the interior reality.

Perhaps we too can identify with this image.  Maybe, at some level or another, we know what it is like to appear outwardly as though we are truly people of integrity, while the truth is that we are still seeing the light that is capable of showing us the way.  Today, let us ask Jesus to shed his light on our lives, to enlighten the darkness of our doubts and to help us to see more clearly so that we can discern the path that we are meant to walk.

Have a great day.

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