Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Questions of faith for today's generation

Ever since the days of my youth, I have been facinated with the world of Hollywood blockbusters - isn't everyone? Every now and then, the worlds of modern-day pop culture and questions of faith cross paths, and the result makes for interesting speculation.

In the latter part of the 1970s the first of the Star Wars films made its début and people like George Lucas and others have been rocketed into the media limelight ever since. Two years ago, Dick Staub, an award-winniing broadcaster, writer and speaker, whose work focuses on interpreting faith and culture wrote Christian Wisdom for the Jedi Masters. In the next series of posts, I'd like to take a look at some of Staub's reflections as they pertain to modern-day life.

In the jacket notes which accompany this volume, the editors explain:

"Star Wars, one of the most enduring pop cultural phenomena of our day, is a spiritual mythology built around a universal energy called 'the Force' and a Jedi's ability to use it. The overt spiritual themes in the Star Wars films convey remarkable theological truths to a younger generation that is dissatisfied with religion but hungry for a spiritual quest ..."

Wisdom issues to be discussed in this volume include Jedi understandings about seeking, knowing, fighting and serving. In the words of the Jedi master Yoda, "for the adventure that awaits us, prepare yourself and for the ride, come along".

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