Wednesday, March 18, 2020

His Word Today: Greatest

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage, Jesus tells his disciples: whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:19).  We can look to the teachings of Jesus to discover the Commandments and to begin to understand how it is that we should live them, but if we want practical examples to help us even more, we can also look to our parents and our grandparents.

At the beginning of the Mass which he celebrated yesterday morning inside the Casa Santa Marta at the Vatican, the Holy Father encouraged us all to pray for the elderly who are suffering because of the isolation that has been imposed by the increasing need to combat the COVID-19 virus.  May God grant them wisdom, he said.

Today, let us be thankful for our grandparents, for our parents and for all those who have taught us the commandments, all those who have helped us to discover the treasure of our faith.  May they be rewarded for their faithfulness and eventually find their place in the kingdom of heaven.

Have a great day.

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