Monday, March 2, 2020

His Word Today: Goal

Good morning everyone,

We are still in the opening days of the Lenten period, and already, the scripture passages encourage us to be conscious of the end times.  It is good that as we begin this time of reflection and prayer, we hold before our eyes the final goal to which we are headed: eternal life in heaven.

Jesus says that when the Son of Man comes in his glory ... he will separate us one from another (Mt 25:31-32) and he will either reward us or condemn us based on our ability to have recognized his presence in the people and situations that we have encountered in this life.  We need reminders of this eventuality in order to always remember that we cannot delay our decision to choose to do good; otherwise, one day it will be too late and we won't be able to choose any more.

Let us set out today, choosing to do good.  Jesus has already given us an example of compassion and how we should care for one another.  Let us not wait until it is too late to follow this example.

Have a great day.

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