Friday, July 5, 2019

His Word Today: Mercy

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage, Jesus meets Levi - Matthew - the tax collector, and invites him: Follow me (Mt 9:9).  In fact, the gospel says that Jesus saw a man named Matthew but how are we to understand the word saw?  Jesus sees us in a much different fashion than we see others.  Jesus sees not the exterior, the realm of physical beauty, but rather he sees us in our entirety, including our souls, the innermost parts of our beings.  Jesus sees all that we are, and he knows all that we are capable of becoming, and he loves it all.

Jesus saw in Matthew a man who was doing a job but one who knew that he could do better.  How often have we known - at some level within us - that we can do better?  Sometimes it takes a bit of encouragement for us to believe in ourselves, and this is exactly what Jesus does: he believes in us.  Jesus knows us at the level of the heart: at the level that is often unknown to any other human being.  This is the reason why he came to Matthew's defence when the Pharisees tried to interrogate him (cf Mt 9:11).

The invitation Jesus issued to the Pharisees that day is also extended to us, and to all those who need to grow in our ability to see others as he does.  We all need to learn the meaning of the words: I desire mercy ... (Mt 9:13).  Today, let us ask for the grace to grow in our understanding of these words, beginning with the ways in which Jesus has spoken these words in our own lives.

Have a great day.

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