Thursday, July 4, 2019

His Word Today: Awe

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel account describes a moment when bystanders were struck with awe.  Jesus had returned to his own town and there he encountered people of faith (cf Mt 9:2).  Perhaps Jesus was well known to them, perhaps they had watched him grow up, and yet when the encountered him as an adult they were struck with awe.

No matter how well we may think we know God, no matter how familiar we may think we are with the ways of God, our God is constantly at work, finding new and wonder-filled ways to inspire awe within us.  He did this by curing a paralytic, and even forgiving his sins (cf Mk 9:3) ... and he did this by inspiring that suffering man to walk again (Mt 9:6-7).

Jesus worked wonders in his own town and he continues to work such wonders in our midst as well.  The great things he did in Nazareth filled everyone with awe, so why should they not do the same for us.  If we have not forgotten or misplaced the ability to stand in awe and wonder before the greatness of God, perhaps we can also ask Him to reveal himself to us; then we too can be struck with awe.

Have a great day.

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