Monday, July 8, 2019

His Word Today: Determination

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage (Mt 9:18-26), there is evidence of a person who for many years had stayed below the radar.  There must have been some major crowds in the place where Jesus was speaking, and yet, despite the fact that no one had probably paid any attention to this woman, she managed to make her way closer and closer to Jesus.

Matthew tells us some of the details of this woman's struggle (cf Mt 9:20-21), but it is evident that none of these details were known to Jesus.  Despite this truth, at the moment when he managed to touch the tassel on his cloak - the outer garment that he was wearing - he recognized her presence and she was healed.

Have we ourselves known the powerlessness of having our voices silenced?  Do we know what it means to struggle to get close to Jesus?  Perhaps if this is true, we are more keenly aware of the struggles that some of our brothers and sisters must face on a daily basis.  Today, let us pray for the grace of determination, so that like that un-named woman, we too can come close to Jesus, be recognized by him and rewarded for our efforts.

Have a great day.

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