Friday, April 27, 2018

His Word Today: Never alone

Good morning everyone,

Can you remember a time when you may have had to go somewhere totally unknown to you?  Were you nervous?  Whenever we have to set out into the unknown - whether that is an unknown place or an adventure that is entirely new to us, or we have to meet people for the first time, there is always a part of us that is unsettled.  Sometimes, we may experience excitement, but most often, there is at least a part of us that is uncertain.

Jesus knew that his disciples were nervous about the fact that they would have to carry on without him.  It is a natural human response for us to be unsettled by the absence of someone we have grown to trust, but Jesus wanted his disciples to understand that his separation from them was only temporary, that he would come back: Do not let your hearts be troubled ... I will come back again and take you to myself (Jn 14:1, 3).

We are never alone, even when there are no other human beings near to us.  The Holy Spirit, who God the Father and Jesus sent at Pentecost is always near to us, to protect us and to guide us as we make our way through life.  One day, Jesus will come back to take us to himself, to live with him in heaven.  He wants us to remember this so that when we must face situations that threaten to unsettle us, we can rest assured of his promise.  Perhaps if we grow in this understanding, we might be less likely to allow our hearts to be troubled.

Have a great day.

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