Thursday, April 26, 2018

His Word Today: Know your place

Good morning everyone,

As we continue our reflection on the teachings that Jesus shared with his disciples - and by extension, the ones he shares with us - today, John's gospel reminds us that no slave is greater than his master, nor any messenger greater than the one who has sent him (Jn 13:16).

If we consider the classroom setting, it might be easier for us to think about the fact that - in general - the students are taught by the teacher.  Although at some level, wise teachers can always learn things about themselves, the task at hand is that of sharing knowledge and forming the minds of those who have been entrusted to our care.  If this is true in the case of classrooms, it is equally the case in the relationship we share with our God.  Our loving Father is constantly at work, teaching us valuable lessons that shape the people we become.

Since God's wisdom is infinite, we should always remember that we are the messengers who have been sent to share with others the good news that we ourselves have experienced and come to believe.  Our teacher is - and always will be more loving, more forgiving, greater than we can ever hope to be, and our God will always gently invite us to stretch our understanding of ourselves and of the relationships we are called to live with others and with Him.

Have a great day.

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