Monday, April 2, 2018

His Word Today: Belief and unbelief

Good morning everyone,

Happy Easter!  Today, we encounter the figure of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary who are running from the empty tomb.  With mixed emotions, they are on their way to tell the disciples about what they have discovered, but even before they get to the place where the disciples are hiding, they encounter another experience that is unbelievable: Jesus meets them on the way and greets them (Mt 28:9).

The women were filled both with joy and with fear at the discovery of the empty tomb: the fear was understandable because they really didn't understand what they were seeing.  Perhaps someone was trying to trick them, but at the same time, there was joy - a joy that they didn't want to show for fear that what they hoped had happened hadn't really taken place.

Perhaps we too are a bit cautious in the way we live our faith.  Maybe we want to believe that what Jesus said has come true: that he is risen indeed, but perhaps there is still a part of us that worries about whether there is truth in these words.  Some people in our world would do almost anything to make us believe what they want us to believe.  At times such as these, we must do as others have done before us: place ourselves before the Lord and dare to speak just a few words - Lord I believe; help my unbelief (Mk 9:24).  The risen Christ helped the women to believe.  He can help us too.

Have a great day.

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