Thursday, May 30, 2019

His Word Today: Something new

Good morning everyone,

Whenever Jesus spoke of his future, his disciples heard words that had never been spoken before.  It is quite understandable that they would have had difficulty grasping the truth of his words: A little while longer and you will no longer see me, and again a little while and you will see me (Jn 16:16-17), and I am going to the Father.

The problem was that they were still trying to understand his words according to human logic.  Even today, we encounter the same difficulty if we insist on understanding Jesus' words, his vision, according to the logic of this earth on which we live.  It is not always easy to stay focused on the words that Jesus offers, but if we manage to open our hearts and to listen with ears of faith, it is possible for us to believe that there is a reality beyond the one that we can see, feel, hear and touch with our human limitations.

Those who live in that place - which is beyond the scope of human vision - have discovered the reality of living in the presence of the Father.  Someday, we too will arrive at that same destination - when Jesus allows us to see him once again - and when we do, our loving Father will welcome us home.

Have a great day.

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