Monday, May 27, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Augustine of Canterbury

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel, Jesus urges the disciples to testify, because you have been with me from the beginning (Jn 15:27).  If we should wonder how it is that we should go about testifying, we need only look to the example that has been set out for us by some of those who have gone before us.

Today, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Augustine of Canterbury, a Benedictine monk who lived in the latter part of the sixth century and died on 26 May 604.  He was the Prior at a monastery in Rome when, in 597, Pope Gregory the Great named him Bishop of Canterbury and sent him on a mission to Christianize King Aethelberht and his Kingdom of Kent (in present-day England).  His efforts were successful.  Not only did the King convert to Christianity, he also gave permission for a Benedictine monastery to be set up outside the walls of the city.

Because of his conviction and courage - gifts of the Holy Spirit that are given to all those who believe in Jesus - Augustine was able to share the good news of his faith and even to invite the king and many of his subjects to join him in his commitment to the Lord.  Many others continued the work of sharing the good news of their faith and beliefs, and even today, we can also do the same.  Pray today for the gifts of conviction and faith so that we can all share the good news of our faith with others.

Have a great day.

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