Friday, May 31, 2019

His Word Today: Visitation

Good morning everyone,

We can learn a lot about discipleship from the example that is highlighted by today's Feast.  It's called the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is rooted in the visit that Mary paid to her kinswoman (possibly a cousin).  Having been told about Elizabeth's miraculous pregnancy at the same time that she learned about her own, Mary set out and travelled to the hill country in haste ... and greeted Elizabeth (Lk 1:39-40).

Both these women had a secret, and because they had this in common, they were able to share in each other's joy.  I wonder what the conversations were like as they spent time together.  The scriptures tell us that Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months before she returned home (cf Lk 1:56).  This was a first pregnancy for both of them, yet Elizabeth was much older than Mary.  Perhaps Elizabeth was more worried about the physical demands that would be put upon her by her pregnancy, yet at the same time, perhaps Mary looked to her cousin for counsel in other ways.  In any event, the truth was that they shared a common bond because they had been invited to share in the mission - each with her own gift to give, but both playing an intricate part in the revelation of God's plan.

Have we ever experienced such a bond?  Is there someone with whom you share a special connection?  Perhaps there are a few people who have shared a common experience.  Maybe the common denominator is our faith in God, in Jesus and our growing understanding of the relationship we are meant to have with our heavenly Father.  As we discover this relationship, and as it continues to be strengthened, let us pray for the grace to experience the joy that Mary and Elizabeth knew.

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

His Word Today: Something new

Good morning everyone,

Whenever Jesus spoke of his future, his disciples heard words that had never been spoken before.  It is quite understandable that they would have had difficulty grasping the truth of his words: A little while longer and you will no longer see me, and again a little while and you will see me (Jn 16:16-17), and I am going to the Father.

The problem was that they were still trying to understand his words according to human logic.  Even today, we encounter the same difficulty if we insist on understanding Jesus' words, his vision, according to the logic of this earth on which we live.  It is not always easy to stay focused on the words that Jesus offers, but if we manage to open our hearts and to listen with ears of faith, it is possible for us to believe that there is a reality beyond the one that we can see, feel, hear and touch with our human limitations.

Those who live in that place - which is beyond the scope of human vision - have discovered the reality of living in the presence of the Father.  Someday, we too will arrive at that same destination - when Jesus allows us to see him once again - and when we do, our loving Father will welcome us home.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

His Word Today: More

Good morning everyone,

It is interesting to note that even as he spoke with his disciples about the fact that his time with them was growing short, Jesus still remains optimistic: I have much more to tell you ... (Jn 16:12), yet he was always sensitive to the readiness of his disciples to receive the words that he wanted to share: You cannot bear it now, but when the Spirit comes .. he will guide you to all truth (Jn 16:13).

How wonderful it is to know that our God knows us so well that Jesus was - and is always - aware of our capacity to hear his words, to appreciate them and to accept them, and how wonderful it is for us to know that our God will not tell us anything that we are incapable of hearing or understanding!

We can marvel today in the fact that our God is so patient with us that we will never be forced to hear any of the words He chooses to share if we are incapable of truly hearing them.  With infinite patience, our God waits for us to be ready to experience His goodness.  There is always more for us to discover, to celebrate and to appreciate, but only when we are ready.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

His Word Today: Grief

Good morning everyone,

When they knew that the time was near, Jesus' disciples were filled with grief.  In fact, it seems that their grief overshadowed everything else, even to the point of paralyzing them and blinding them to everything else that was going on.  We see a glimpse of this reality in the words that Jesus speaks:  I am going ... and not one of you asks me, 'Where are you going?' (Jn 16:5).

When we grieve, we too can be blinded to the needs of others, we too can be unaware of anything else, almost as though we are stuck in time, yet even in the midst of their grief, Jesus was ready to offer help to the disciples.  If I go, he said, I will send the Advocate to you, which is to say the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit stands beside us to strengthen us and to help us to look beyond our grief.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to overcome the paralysis of grief and to recognize the dawn of a new day, a new reality that offers us hope.

Today, let us pray for the grace to be aware of our own grief.  Let us pray for the grace to be aware of the grief that enfolds others, and let us ask for the grace to be aware of the Holy Spirit's presence, standing beside us, ready to take our hands and to help us be aware of the hope that is before our very eyes.

Have a great day.

Monday, May 27, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Augustine of Canterbury

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel, Jesus urges the disciples to testify, because you have been with me from the beginning (Jn 15:27).  If we should wonder how it is that we should go about testifying, we need only look to the example that has been set out for us by some of those who have gone before us.

Today, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Augustine of Canterbury, a Benedictine monk who lived in the latter part of the sixth century and died on 26 May 604.  He was the Prior at a monastery in Rome when, in 597, Pope Gregory the Great named him Bishop of Canterbury and sent him on a mission to Christianize King Aethelberht and his Kingdom of Kent (in present-day England).  His efforts were successful.  Not only did the King convert to Christianity, he also gave permission for a Benedictine monastery to be set up outside the walls of the city.

Because of his conviction and courage - gifts of the Holy Spirit that are given to all those who believe in Jesus - Augustine was able to share the good news of his faith and even to invite the king and many of his subjects to join him in his commitment to the Lord.  Many others continued the work of sharing the good news of their faith and beliefs, and even today, we can also do the same.  Pray today for the gifts of conviction and faith so that we can all share the good news of our faith with others.

Have a great day.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Continuing education

In the next few weeks, students in our elementary and secondary schools will be completing the current academic year.  As they look forward to the year ahead, many of them may grow anxious at this time of the year.  In addition to examinations and tests, many of them will be changing classrooms, encountering new teachers and perhaps even moving from one school to another.  Any such change in the routine that has been established is bound to bring with it a certain sense of anxiety.

Jesus knew that as the hour approached when he would have to be separated from his disciples, they too would grow anxious.  In order to encourage them, he assured them that they would not have to face the future alone: ... the Advocate, the Holy Spirit ... will teach you ... and remind you of all that I have said to you (Jn 14:26).  A number of days after the Resurrection, this promise was fulfilled when the Holy Spirit was sent to strengthen the disciples.  Renewed in their conviction, they then set out with renewed courage to carry out the mission of teaching others about Jesus, about the words he had spoken and about the lessons he had taught.

We have been reading about the adventures of the disciples throughout the Easter season.  They travelled widely, reaching places that they had never visited before.  From this distance in time, I have often thought that they were constantly enthusiastic and eager to tell others about Jesus, but their enthusiasm was not necessarily received well in all cases.  There were also others who joined in the effort to spread the good news, but sometimes, even despite their good will, there were problems, and these challenges needed to be addressed.  We have heard the details of one such instance in today's first reading:  Certain individuals came ... from Judea and were teaching, 'Unless you ... follow the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved' (Acts 15:1).  When the appointed leaders heard about these teachings, they knew that they needed help in order to clarify the matter, so Paul and Barnabas, ... were appointed to go to Jerusalem to discuss the question with the Apostles ... (Acts 15:2).

When they arrived in Jerusalem, Paul and Barnabas discussed the situation with the apostles.  They shared their own words of advice and they prayed for guidance, relying as always on the presence of the Holy Spirit for guidance, and the result was that the disciples sent Paul and Barnabas back, along with Judas and Silas in order to help the believers of Gentile origin in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia (Acts 15:23) to grow in their faith.

Since that time ... and even to the present day ... the leaders of our Church continue to send priests to various communities of believers, including this one, so that the work of spreading the gospel can continue.  Day after day, we must keep before us the vision described in today's second reading (Rev 21:10-23) and we must find ways to strengthen the faith of those we meet.  When all is said and done, it is the Holy Spirit - the Advocate - who continues to inspire us and to remind us of all that Jesus has taught us.

Friday, May 24, 2019

His Word Today: Chosen

Good morning everyone,

In many ways, the world around us is constantly trying to convince us that we have to work in order to gain any reward.  This is true in some circumstances, but when it comes to relationships, especially close and loving relationships, we often find that we receive much more than we invest.

The same is true of our relationship with God.  In today's gospel, we are reminded of the words Jesus spoke to his disciples: It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you (Jn 15:16).  Before we had even an inkling of who God is, God has already known and loved each one of us at the very core of our being.  Whether or not we are aware of His presence, God has already chosen us to be his beloved children.

How absolutely privileged we are to have such an exalted position.  Consider today the fact that you (and I) have been chosen, surrounded with goodness, light and love from the moment of our conception, and that we will always be bearers of this blessing, even as we pass through the gates of heaven and enter into life eternal.

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

His Word Today: Love

Good morning everyone,

Someone once asked: Have you ever fallen in love?  If we have known the bliss of truly falling in love with someone else, perhaps we can appreciate the motivation to always want the best for that other person, for no other reason than the desire for that person's happiness.

If we have indeed experienced this bliss, perhaps we have a glimpse at understanding what Jesus was communicating in today's gospel passage: As the Father loves me, so I also love you (Jn 15:9).  Our heavenly Father loves us with divine love which far exceeds the limits of human love.

As we contemplate this truth, let us ask the Lord to share with us the great depth of His love for us: to help us fall in love again.  His is a love that surpasses our deepest desire and fills up every one of our hopes.  It is enough for us to ask and our God will warm our hearts and shower us with this gift.  What a wonderful blessing it is to be loved so deeply!

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

His Word Today: Vines

Good morning everyone,

There are two grape vines in my parents' back yard.  They have been there for many years now.  The neighbours on either side of my parents' home planted these vines in their own yards but with time the vines have grown through the fences, and in recent years there have been copious harvests of grapes.  In the early years, the vines did not bear much fruit, but each year, as Autumn arrives, the vines are pruned - right back to the original plants, and each spring, the vines spring forth with new shoots which intertwine their way along the fences.  With the heat of the summer sun, these vines eventually bear fruit, and what luscious fruit it is.

I thought immediately of these grape vines when I read today's gospel passage.  Jesus taught his disciples: I am the true vine and my father is the vine grower (Jn 15:1).  He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and any one that does, he prunes so that it bears more fruit (Jn 15:2).

Like the grape vines in my parents' yard, we need to remain connected to Jesus.  We need to keep contact with him, because it is he who is at work within us, reaching out through our hands to touch the world with his compassion and looking upon the world through our eyes in order to share the gift of his compassion with those who are in need.  All we need to do is to realize that it is Jesus who is at work in us.  He will take care of the pruning, the fertilizing and everything involved in caring for the vine, and he will put us in places where we can reach out in his name to touch the world with kindness, love and joy.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

His Word Today: Peace

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage (Jn 14:27-31), we hear Jesus offering the gift of peace.  He says to the disciples: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you (Jn 14:27).  Then he goes on to say: Not as the world gives do I give it to you.  In this way, Jesus wishes to distinguish his gift of peace from the practice of so many in our world who make promises but never fulfill their words.

Jesus' word is always true.  It is always sincere and we can always count on him.  If Jesus promises to share with us the gift of peace, then we can be assured that we will have his gift, a peace that is everlasting, a peace that exists between those who know and trust one another implicitly, a trust that fills us with confidence because we know that we are never alone.

This same gift of peace is offered to us today.  Let us pray for the grace to recognize it, to celebrate it and to share the good news of having known this great gift from the Lord with others we may encounter today.  And furthermore, if we should encounter someone who is in need of peace, let us not be hesitant to reassure them that Christ's gift of unfailing peace is also offered to them.

Have a great day.

Monday, May 20, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Bernardine of Siena

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday in Saint Peter's Square, the Holy Father greeted pilgrims and visitors as he normally does every Sunday.  In his remarks, he reflected on the scriptures for the day, and spoke about the new commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples: ... As I have loved you, so you should love one another (Jn 13:34).  His Holiness went on to explain that although the Mosaic Law had already commanded us to love God (cf Lv 19:18), and although Jesus had already pointed out the importance of loving our neighbour as ourselves (cf Mt 22:38-39), the commandment to love was made new by the addition of the requirement to love as I have loved you.

In the light of this new commandment, we can read today's gospel passage afresh.  Jesus explains to his disciples: whoever loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him him and we will come to him (Jn 14:23).  This is consoling news for us.  We already know that our Father is infinitely more capable of loving than any human being could ever hope to love, but Jesus commands us to love as he has loved us - with infinite love, and he assures us that if we strive to love him in this way, we will have divine assistance to help us accomplish the task of fulfilling this love.

Today, as we observe the liturgical memorial of Saint Bernardine of Siena, let us ask this holy man to intercede for us.  While he was still on earth, he already knew that the last degree of love that Jesus showed his disciples occurred when he gave himself to us to be our Food because he gave himself to us to be united with us in every way. If we have been loved so deeply, we too should strive to love one another as Jesus has loved us.

Have a great day.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How do we glorify God?

The gospel passage we have just heard occurs immediately after the moment when Judas has left the Upper Room, on his way to speak with the chief priests in order to betray Jesus (cf Mt 26:14-16).  Speaking to the other disciples, Jesus said: Now the Son of Man has been glorified (Jn 13:31).  It might seem strange to think that Jesus - the Son of Man - was glorified in the act of betrayal.  The usual image portrayed by the word glorify is about placing our focus on someone, making a big deal out of them, usually in a good and loving way, and yet Jesus says that he has been glorified in the act of betrayal.

In order to understand the truth of this statement, we need to realize that if Judas had not betrayed Jesus, he would not have been arrested, he would not have suffered, he would not have been crucified, he would not have died - not at that particular moment - and he would not have risen at that moment either.  However, this was the reason for which God had sent him: in order to show us the extent of our God's love for us.  We need to be reminded of this truth, over and over again: it was in his surrender, in his acceptance of human suffering and in his passage through the doorway of physical death that Jesus glorified God.  In this ultimate act of humility, Jesus accomplished the mission for which he was sent.

You and I have also been entrusted with the mission of glorifying God.  We do this every day when we do what Jesus asked us to do.  In those final hours, while he was awaiting Judas' arrival, Jesus told the other disciples: I give you a new commandment, that you love one another (Jn 13:34).  This same commandment has also been entrusted to us.  Like Jesus, we are all called to glorify the Lord, and we do this by loving one other.

The Acts of the Apostles tell the story of how the disciples did their very best to live out this commandment.  In today's first reading, we hear a part of the adventure that Paul and Barnabas travelled to many different places, strengthening the souls of the disciples and encouraging them to continue in the faith (Acts 14:22).  These two followers of the Way had been convinced of God's love for them, and it was this sense of being loved that energized them and drove them to share the joy that they had come to know with others they met along the way.

Even today, the love of God continues to be offered to us because Jesus' gift of self-sacrifice was given once for all time.  Because Jesus glorified God in this way, we too can glorify God by loving one another.  How beautiful it is to see a community of people who joyfully give of themselves out of love for others, with no thought at all for any measure of reward or recognition!

Loving one another is not always easy.  We are far too often made aware of faults and failings, but the more that we strive to look beyond the limits of others, the more we strive every day to love others unconditionally, the more we will contribute to bringing about the realization of the new heaven and the new earth that is described in the book of Revelation (Rev 21:1).  The holy city, the new Jerusalem (Rev 1:2), does not only exist in a vision; it is meant to exist right here, in our midst, and each of us can contribute to the building up of this reality if we try every day to love one another and to glorify God.

Friday, May 17, 2019

His Word Today: Trust

Good evening everyone,

In today's gospel passage, Jesus is strengthening the hearts of his disciples, encouraging them to trust in him and to grow strong in their faith.  By this point in the story, the disciples have had multiple occasions to learn from their teacher, and Jesus is aware of the fact that his days with them are numbered, yet the words Jesus spoke were still difficult for the twelve to comprehend, much less to accept.

Jesus spoke of the upcoming events as though he were setting out on a journey, yet he knew that what was coming would not be easy for them to endure:  Do not let your hearts be troubled, he told them, you have faith in God, have faith also in me (Jn 14:1).  Jesus genuinely cared for and loved the twelve.  He knew that it would not be easy for them to experience his suffering and death, but like any loving father, who knows that his time is near, Jesus also wanted to encourage them: do not let your hearts be troubled.  As a remedy for the temptation to question their faith, Jesus encouraged them to trust.

Perhaps we have known the great joy of being strengthened in our faith: by loving parents and other adults who have helped us to grow at various points along our journey.  Maybe we have already experienced moments in our lives when we are certain that the Lord is putting us to the test.  We might know at some level that such experiences always result in some kind of growth, but until we experience this growth for ourselves, there will always be some element of doubt or even skepticism.

Today, let us welcome the advice that Jesus offered to the disciples.  It is also being offered to us: if our faith is tested at times and if we find ourselves facing some kind of trial or challenge, let us turn to God and ask him to strengthen our faith and to teach us to trust in Him.

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

His Word Today: Place

Good morning everyone,

One of my theology professors would often repeat a word of advice to his young proteges as he attempted to teach us how to approach the task of learning and discerning.  In his words, our task - first thing in the morning and last thing at night - was to put ourselves on our knees and to begin our prayer with the phrase: Thank you God that you are God and I am not.  This statement speaks of humility and surrender, basic attitudes for developing our relationship with our God.

At another time in history, Jesus taught his disciples a lesson that was not unlike the lesson that we were taught by that priest.  Jesus said to them: no slave is greater than his master, nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him (Jn 13:16).  In these words, we can discern a lesson in humility and surrender, a lesson about recognizing God's goodness and greatness, as well as His grace and generosity in inviting us to enjoy a personal relationship with Him.

Today, let us dare to ask for the grace to grow in our understanding of God's goodness to us.  Let us strive to let go of the temptation to think that we are the ones who are gods, and let us strive to be messengers of God's mercy.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Isadore

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church remembers and prays with Saint Isadore of Seville (circa 560-4 April 636), a scholar who served as Archbishop of Seville (Spain) for more than thirty years.  He was instrumental in orchestrating the conversion of Visigothic kings (of Middle-aged East Germanic tribes) to Catholicism.

Through his continuing efforts he was successful in encouraging many to come to believe Jesus' words: whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me (Jn 12:44).  The truth of these words are just as relevant today as they were when Jesus first uttered them.  We too are invited to believe.

Today, we are thankful to Saint Isadore for his constant and unfailing faith.  Let us ask him to intercede for us, so that we too might come to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that God, who sent Jesus into the world is our loving Father.  When this truth is well-founded and rooted in our hearts, we can joyfully share the good news with others too.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Matthias

Saint Matthias, by Peter Paul Rubens
Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Matthias.  According to the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 1:23, 25) Matthias was chosen by the other disciples to replace Judas Iscariot after Judas' betrayal of Jesus and his subsequent death.  The calling of Matthias to join the apostles was unique because his choosing was not made personally by Jesus, but rather by consultation with the followers of Jesus (cf Acts 1:15)  In addition, Matthias was appointed after Jesus' ascent into heaven and before the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Jesus' lessons, shared with the twelve disciples were also shared with Matthias, for he was one of the men who accompanied the disciples the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among them (cf Acts 1:21).  In fact, the lessons Jesus taught have also been passed on to us, including the words that are recorded in today's gospel: As the Father loves me, so I also love you.  Remain in my love (Jn 15:9).  This is the heart of the key lesson that all disciples must learn and strive to perfect.  At the heart of every call, we are invited to discover Jesus' love, his personal love for each of us.

When we remain in Jesus' love, we are always mindful of the fact that he never leaves us alone, that he constantly seeks to be part of our lives and to share the joy of his love with us.  Once we have experienced the thrill of being called by Jesus to follow in his footsteps, life is never the same.  Today, let us ask Saint Matthias to inspire within our hearts a renewed desire to discover and celebrate Jesus' love for each one of us.

Have a great day.

Monday, May 13, 2019

His Word Today: Manners

Good morning everyone,

Do you remember a time when people used to teach their children to observe what we called manners?  Manners are behavioural boundaries that are aimed at being polite to others and making life easier for others, but underlying the basics of manners is an understanding that we must be outward looking, concerned for the well-being of others rather than self-centred.

Manners include simple choices that are always focused on respect for others.  In the gospel passage for today's liturgy, we see even Jesus speaking about living life in accord with the manners we have developed.  Jesus says to those who are listening: whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep (Jn 10:2).

Entering through the gate implies that we strive every day to live according to the rules that have been laid down.  To do otherwise is to live a lie or to try to cheat our way through life.  In the example that Jesus left us, we see that it is possible to live according to the rules: to enter through the gate, rather than trying to jump the fence. It's not always easy to follow the rules, especially when those around us seem to be cheating their way, or finding all the shortcuts, but it is a wonderful way of showing our respect to the One who wants nothing more than to love us and to reward us with the gift of eternal life.

May Our Blessed Mother, whose feast day we celebrate today - under the title of Our Lady of Fatima - help us to follow God's rules, directions that are provided in love to teach us how to love.

Have a great day.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Back to basics

This weekend, children at Ste-Famille in Blind River and at Ste-Marie here in Elliot Lake are celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation.  In God’s eternal plan, the fact that this significant moment in their lives of faith is taking place on the Fourth Sunday of Easter – which is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations – provides all of us with an opportunity to remember and to celebrate our faith.

In the gospel passage that we have heard today, Jesus uses the image of a sheep.  He says: My sheep listen to my voice.  I know them and they follow me (Jn 10:27).  Anyone who has spent time with animals knows that most of them will get to know the voice of at least one human being.  If human beings spend enough time with them, most animals will get to know us and we will get to know them.  This is God’s desire for us: that we should spend enough time with him.  He already knows us but he wants us to get to know him.  As we do, we will find that he loves us and wants only good things for us ... and when someone wants only good things for us, we want to spend more time with them.

Today, we pray for vocations.  The word vocation comes from the Latin word vocare, which means to call.  Every one of us has a vocation in life because all of us have been called by God to live as his disciples.  When we discover our vocation, we are compelled to live it out.  In the first reading for today’s Mass, we heard some of the details about the vocation that was revealed to Paul and to Barnabas.  They had heard the Lord calling to them, and they responded by travelling to many places, telling others this good news that they had heard (cf Acts 13:14). You might say that they were among the very first missionaries.

When we learn to listen to the voice of the shepherd, his words will always compel us to go out to others and to share the joy that we have come to know: the joy that we have discovered as we have come close to Jesus and spent time in his presence.  People will not always welcome what we have to say.  They may very well question us, challenge us and they may even refuse to listen to us, but that didn’t stop Paul and Barnabas, and it should not stop us either.

Listening for the shepherd’s voice is important, but there are some of us who are visual learners.  Perhaps the Book of Revelation can help us to grow in our understanding that Jesus is preparing each one of us for something wonderful.  The vision described by John is a celebration, a wonderful party.  In his vision, he saw a great multitude of people that no one could count, people from every nation, tribe and language (Rev 7:9).

Earlier this year, Endgame, the latest episode in the Marvel Avengers movie series was released.  It made more money in its first weekend than any other movie in the Avengers series had ever made.  These productions might create a lot of hype but in a relatively short time, their attraction will certainly fade.  Thousands of years after Jesus died and rose again, people are still seeking adventures.  People still need to hear the good news: Jesus, the good shepherd, is still inviting us to embark on the adventure of knowing him, and of knowing the joy of being known and loved by him.

Friday, May 10, 2019

His Word Today: Food

Good morning everyone,

What a wonderful gift we have been given!  The Lord has invited each one of us to establish and to nurture a relationship with Him.  This relationship begins when we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and continues on a daily basis until the day we enter the Father's house.  Along the way, our God offers us the gifts of the other sacraments in order to help us live fruitful lives of faith.

In Reconciliation, we encounter the merciful face of God and celebrate the profound gift of divine forgiveness.  In the Eucharist, we eat of the Lord's flesh which is true food, and we drink of his blood which is true drink (cf Jn 6:55).  Fed with these special gifts, and enriched by regularly meditating on the word of God, we continue to grow and to mature in our love of God, and we continually perceive His love for us made visible in our daily lives.

Do we take the time to celebrate the Eucharist on a regular basis?  Do we receive the special food of the Eucharist?  And do we ever take time to thank the Lord for sharing this special food with us, for taking care to nourish us, his beloved children?

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

His Word Today: Response

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel passage reminds us of a very basic truth when it comes to the relationship we enjoy with our God.  Jesus said to the crowds, 'No one can come to me unless the Father who has sent me draws him (Jn 6:44).

From our earliest days, we learn the relationship between cause and effect: if I do something, there will be a reaction.  However, human approaches to cause and effect are actually upside down when it comes to the relationship that exists between us and God.  In this case, it is God who does the inviting and we who do the responding.

It might take a bit of time and experience for us to understand and appreciate this truth because when it comes to loving, no one can love more deeply or more sincerely than God can, and just when we think that we are doing something to please God, that's precisely the moment when we come to understand that it was God who first called out to us and invited us to enter into a relationship that is characterized by love, forgiveness, acceptance and infinite patience.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

His Word Today: Food

Good morning everyone,

We all need to eat in order to survive, but how often have we considered the fact that we need to receive the special nourishment that our God gives us in order to live in eternity?

In today's gospel, Jesus tells us: I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst (Jn 6:35).  In fact, those who receive this special food, which we call the Eucharist, and everyone who believes in him who has provided this food for us also bears the pledge of eternal life.

This special food is offered freely for all those who are in need of it, for all those who need to grow in their faith and for all those who must rely on it as a source of divine strength.  So let us approach the source of this special food and let us joyfully sing our praises to God.  Let us also receive the special food he offers and let us continue to trust that this special food will indeed lead us to the reward of eternal life.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

His Word Today: Signs

Good morning everyone,

The culture into which Jesus was born was filled with expectation.  At the time, the Jewish people were looking forward to the immanent arrival of the Messiah: the promised One of God.  At the same time, there were many other prophets who were foretelling the coming of the Messiah, and each of them was competing for attention by providing signs and indications that would prove his validity.

Enter Jesus.  Like all other prophets at the time, he was providing proof of his right to claim the title of Messiah, but unlike the other sages, his words rang true.  When the crowds asked him to provide proof, he gave them bread to eat: bread that had been miraculously multiplied, and yet he spoke of another level at which his listeners could understand his role of providing nourishment for them.  I am the bread of life, he said, whoever comes to me will never hunger (Jn 6:35).

Even today, Jesus repeats this very same promise to us.  He is the source of the eternal bread that will always satiate our hunger.  If we turn to him in times of need, he will always listen and he will always give us what we need - not necessarily what we might want, but what we truly need.

Today, and every day, he invites us to turn to him, to trust in him and to believe that he will always fulfill his promise to provide for our needs.

Have a great day.

Monday, May 6, 2019

His Word Today: Believe

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel passage places us with the people who go in search of Jesus after they have witnessed the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and the fish (cf Jn 6:22-29).  I have often wondered about the true motivation for all those people to go off in search of Jesus.  They had witnessed something wonderful.  Did they think that it was some kind of magic?  Were they caught up in the wonder of the moment, looking for some more wonderful proof that this man Jesus was not like anyone else they had ever met?

What about us?  When we think about Jesus, what kind of image do we conjure in our minds?  Do we go out in search of Jesus as we live our daily lives?  Do we recognize him in the people we encounter? Or does he remain the hero of a story that we have read in a book?

Every day of our lives, Jesus invites us to seek him out, to encounter him in unexpected and sometimes surprising situations.  Each one of these occasions is another opportunity for us to grow in our belief that He loves us infinitely and unboundedly, and that he wants to share the gift of his love with us.  In turn, we can share this love with others, showing them by our own convictions the true source of the joy and the love we have to offer.

Have a great day.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The next steps

Those first few days following the resurrection of Jesus could not have been easy for the disciples to experience.  They had been filled with such hope, and then Jesus had been arrested, put on trial and killed.  Even though they had seen the risen Lord in the Upper Room, the joy that had filled their hearts was far too easily replaced by doubt.  Today’s gospel tells us that some of them had gathered on the shores of the Sea of Tiberius (cf Jn 21:1-3).  The scriptures record only a few words, spoken by Peter: I’m going fishing, yet we can hear disappointment in his voice, and perhaps we can sympathize with him too.

For the last few months, all of us who are part of the Catholic communities in Elliot Lake have been asking increasing numbers of questions about the next steps for our local Church.  Like the disciples, we too may be feeling doubts and fears about what is to come.   Like the disciples, a part of us longs to go back to the way things used to be, but we cannot go backwards; we must face the future, and we can do this because, like the disciples, Jesus meets us where we are and asks us to cast our nets, and to bring some of the fish that we have caught – that is to say that we are being invited to bring our talents and gifts and to share them freely and lovingly so that together we can build a vibrant community of faith in this city.

The members of the Transition Team have been hard at work planning the details of the final liturgies that will be celebrated in the parish churches of Ste-Marie and Our Lady of Fatima. It is our hope that each of these celebrations will be an opportunity for us to look back, to remember the lives of faith that have been lived in these two places of worship and to give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received.

The closing liturgy for Our Lady of Fatima parish will be celebrated on Saturday afternoon, June 1st beginning at 4:00pm, and the final Mass at Ste-Marie will be celebrated the following day: June 2nd beginning at 9:30am.  Following the completion of these Masses, the two churches will be closed and there will be no weekday Masses celebrated during that week.  The regular weekday liturgies will begin again on Tuesday, June 11th.

On Sunday morning, June 9th, we will celebrate the first Mass in the new parish church of Saint Bernadette, beginning at 10:00am.  This will be an opportunity for all of us to celebrate a new beginning in the story of faith that we are writing together here in this part of the Lord’s vineyard.

Beginning on the weekend of June 15th and 16th, the regular schedule of Masses for the Lord’s day will include two Masses celebrated in English – one on Saturday afternoon at 4:00pm and the other one on Sunday morning at 11:00am; and one Mass celebrated in French on Sunday morning at 9:00am.

At the conclusion of today’s gospel, Jesus spoke with Peter and granted him a new beginning (cf Jn 21:15-19).  Let us pray for one another, that this new beginning will be a time of grace and blessing for all of us.

Friday, May 3, 2019

His Word Today: Saints Philip and James

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Saints Philip and James (the son of Alphaeus), two of the disciples who sat at the feet of Jesus and learned first hand about his vision for the Kingdom.

Philip came from Bethsaida, the same town as Peter and Andrew.  He was one of the disciples who Jesus called to follow him.  In time, he told Nathanael about Jesus, the one about whom Moses wrote (Jn 1:45).  Philip gives us the example of one who truly understands that the good news of knowing Jesus must be shared with others.  It cannot be kept as though it is meant simply for our own salvation.

James, the son of Alphaeus is also known as James the Lesser, not to be confused with James the Greater, the son of Zebedee.

We get a little glimpse into the world of the disciples in today's gospel passage.  Jesus is speaking with the disciples, answering their questions about the Kingdom and the path that we humans must follow in order to arrive at our ultimate destination.  When Philip demonstrated his enthusiasm, asking Jesus: show us the Father, that will be enough for us (Jn 14:8), Jesus helped Philip to grow in his understanding: Whoever has seen me has seen the Father (Jn 14:9).

The disciples' questions are also our questions.  Today, let us ask Saints Philip and James to pray with us that we too may welcome the word of Jesus, and that our divine teacher may help us to grow in our knowledge of Him.

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Athanasius

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria (circa 296-298 to 2 May 373 A.D.), who was the twentieth Bishop of Alexandria (present-day Egypt) - a position he held for a total of 45 years (circa 8 June 328 to 2 May 373).  During that time he was exiled on at least five occasions by order of four different Roman emperors.  Despite the persecution, he was an accomplished theologian and the chief defender of the Church's belief that there is one God who exists in three distinct persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - who have existed co-eternally (ie from the beginning of time).

This trinitarian belief is further strengthened in today's gospel passage: The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him (Jn 1:35), and whoever believes in the Son has eternal life (Jn 1:36).

Let us ask Saint Athanasius to pray with us today.  In thanksgiving for his work of clarifying our understanding of who God is, let us bravely set out with the mission to share this news with those we encounter: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is one God, but made known in three distinct persons who promises us the gift of everlasting life in heaven.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Joseph the Worker

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the second of two feast days dedicated to Saint Joseph.  The first is celebrated on March 19 - the Feast of Saint Joseph, the Husband of Mary - and the second is today's Feast of Saint Joseph, the Worker.  Saint John Paul II once said of Saint Joseph: He is a man of great spirit.  He is great in spirit, not because he listens to the words of the living God.  He listens in silence, and his heart ceaselessly perseveres in its readiness to accept the truth contained in the word of the living God.

Alongside the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph cooperated in creating the necessary conditions so that God, who so loved the world could give his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life (Jn 3:16).

The work that Saint Joseph accomplished was precisely the task of listening attentively to the voice of the Lord who directed his actions.  Today, we too can ask Saint Joseph to intercede for us, so that we too may learn how to entrust our efforts to the loving care of our heavenly Father, in order that our efforts too may contribute to the fulfillment of his eternal plan.

Have a great day.