Tuesday, March 26, 2019

His Word Today: 77 Times

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Lord gives us a lesson about forgiveness.  It is already an act of humility to admit to ourselves that we are in need of forgiveness.  Perhaps it is someone else that we need to approach, asking for this grace but perhaps it is the Lord himself who needs to forgive us.  The good news is that our God never tires of offering the gift of forgiveness, every time that we turn to him and ask.

Something that is more difficult for us is the act of forgiving others who have done us wrong.  Our human nature does not forget the experience of being wronged, and it seems that our humanity has a natural tendency to seek out vengeance, yet Jesus told Peter (and by extension, he tells us as well) that if a brother - or sister - sins against us ... we must be ready to forgive not seven times but seventy-seven times ... (Mt 18:22).

Today, let us ask the Lord to open our hearts to the possibility that we might consider offering forgiveness rather than judgement.

Have a great day.

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