Friday, November 16, 2018

His Word Today: Unknown

Good morning everyone,

When some people think about the future, there is fear and trembling because the future is unknown to us, but let it not be so for those of us who are people of faith.  Jesus speaks in the gospel today about a time that will come when one will be taken and the other will be left (Lk 17:34-35).  But where will we be taken?

These words are meant to wake us up, for we can far too easily be lulled into a sense of comfort about the routine we live each day.  Instead, we need to do everything we can not to become distracted by routines, focusing rather on waiting for the coming of the Lord.  If we begin even now to train our minds and spirits to be on the lookout for him, we will develop the habit of seeking him each day, and if we seek him, we will find him, and when we are able to find evidence of his presence each day, we will have more reason to rejoice and even more reason to look for him.

And what's even more, if we develop the habit of seeking him, finding evidence of his presence and celebrating this presence every day, then when the time comes for us to be taken Home, we will have nothing to fear, for this is the day for which we long, for which we prepare every day of our mortal lives.

Have a great day.

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