Thursday, November 29, 2018

His Word Today: Signs

Good morning everyone,

In some parts of Canada, this past summer was one of the hottest on record.  The number of forest fires hit a record high.  Even in recent months there has been catastrophic destruction in California.  To some, these might be interpreted as fulfillments of the predictions foretold by Jesus about signs in the sun, the moon and the stars (Lk 21:25).

While such predictions appear at first glance to be dire, Jesus himself offers a word of hope.  He says: when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand (Lk 21:28).

Throughout the centuries since the time of Jesus, Christians have been encouraged to follow these words of advice. In fact, it has been our continuing belief in the promise and the hope of eternal life that has allowed us to look beyond the confines of many other situations in life that might be perceived as tragic.  Instead, our belief in the resurrection of Jesus allows us to look forward in hope, holding our heads high even in the face of unexplainable signs in the skies.

Have a great day.

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