Tuesday, November 27, 2018

His Word Today: Beauty

Good morning everyone,

From the beginning of his pontificate, our current Holy Father has continually encouraged all of us to go out.  With these two simple words, he is challenging us not to grow too accustomed to looking around us and marvelling at the things we have already accomplished, but rather urging us to continue looking beyond our own comfort zones to the situations that need our attention, and the people who are in need.

This advice might be considered a modern-day continuation of the outlook that is perceived in Saint Luke's account of Jesus' conversation with some of the people who were speaking about how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings (Lk 21:5).  In response to this remark, Jesus cautioned: the days will come when there will not be left one stone upon another ... (Lk 21:6).

Today, let us heed this call to not grow comfortable, but rather to remember that we have all been sent out on a mission to go out to those who are in need of help.  It is often in such encounters that we will discover the true beauty of the most precious stones that are part of the Church: the people of God, each of whom has a story to tell.

Have a great day.

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