Saturday, October 27, 2018

His Word Today: Feeding

Good morning everyone,

At the time of Jesus, it was not easy for people to choose to follow him.  The consequences for anyone who chose to walk a different path from that which was expected by society were often very high - even to the point of losing lives (cf Lk 13:1) - but Jesus came to reassure us that losing a mortal life is nowhere near as dangerous as endangering our immortal souls.

As he usually did, Jesus explained this truth using parables.  In this case, he told the story of a fig tree that was young, and therefore not ready yet to bear fruit (cf Lk 13:6), but thanks to the pleading of the gardener who was caring for the fig tree, the master was convinced of the need to be patient (cf Lk 13:8).  As with all other parables that Jesus used, this story is meant to help us understand and appreciate the infinite mercy and love of God.

There are many circumstances competing for our attention.  Some of them can lead us to recognize God at work in our lives and others often attempt to distract us from focusing on the relationship of love that we are meant to enjoy with our heavenly Father.  The good thing is that our God is infinitely patient, waiting for us to turn our attention to him, and he's willing to help us to do this, if only we would ask him to remind us of his presence in our lives.

Have a great day.

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