Thursday, October 25, 2018

His Word Today: Enthusiasm

Good morning everyone,

From time to time, we all meet new people.  There are many levels at which we can know someone, but perhaps among the most significant measures of knowing someone else is what we call knowing what makes that person tick.  By this, we mean that we have gotten to know someone well enough to be aware of his or her likes and dislikes, favorite things and even that person's friends.

Jesus' disciples had a unique opportunity to learn what made him tick.  Perhaps if we had the chance to ask them the same key question: What makes Jesus tick?, they might respond by describing the source of his enthusiasm in the following words: I have come to set the earth on fire (Lk 12:49).  Perhaps we too can identify with these words which Jesus spoke.  He came to set the world on fire, which is to say that he came to share the good news of the Father's love with us, and to invite us to open our hearts so that God can share this love with us as well.

Today, we can ask ourselves: what makes me tick?  Is my faith strong, enough so that I would also say that I have come to set the world on fire with the love, mercy, forgiveness and joy of Jesus?  Do I want this depth of trust to be an integral part of my relationship with Him?

Have a great day.

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