Saturday, October 20, 2018

His Word Today: Acknowledge

Good morning everyone,

Even from a tender age, we all learn the basic rudiments of creating relationships: speak well of those you love and be prepared to defend those who are your friends.

The words contained in the gospel passage for today seem to follow those same lines, but on a much grander stage, for they speak of the relationship that Jesus wants to create and foster between himself and each one of us.  Jesus is ready and willing to begin such a relationship with us - if it does not already exist - and to foster and strengthen it every day.  All he asks in return is that we acknowledge him before others (Lk 12:8).  That doesn't seem to be too much to ask, or is it?

Every one of us has to choose to acknowledge him - to speak about Jesus with our colleagues and friends, to look to him for guidance when we aren't too sure how to proceed, to seek out his advice and to listen prayerfully so that he can share his guidance with us.  It can be very tempting for us to carry on in life, thinking - at least at some level - that we don't need regular contact with Jesus, but if we do, we will soon feel as though we have grown apart.  The solution is simple: choose to acknowledge Him today, and ask him to show you how to do that.

Have a great day.

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