Thursday, April 23, 2020

His Word Today: Testify

Good morning everyone,

As the days of stay-at-home and work-from-home realities continue for many of us, some of us are getting used to a new normal, but others are also finding this time very challenging.  Not all homes are safe places: in some cases, these are dangerous times, but what is true for all of us is that this time is giving us a chance to re-discover what is truly important.

From a faith perspective, this time is giving many of us an opportunity to testify to the truth of what we believe.  In the light of safety concerns that have required us to be physically distanced from one another, some of us are re-discovering opportunities to celebrate Easter: the miracle of Christ's resurrection which speaks loudly to the fact that no matter what situation of challenge we may find ourselves facing, we are never alone and there will always be an end to our trials.

This is the truth that Jesus taught to Nicodemus.  The one who comes from heaven ... testifies to what he has seen and heard (Jn 3: 31-32).  As we see in the Acts of the Apostles, all disciples are invited to bear witness to our relationship with Jesus.  In our interactions with others, in the words we speak and in the attitudes we bear toward others, we have many opportunities to testify to our faith.  In the case of the disciples, the words they shared, even if it meant endangering their own lives, was to explain the reason for their joy and their faith by explaining: The God of our ancestors raised Jesus ...
God exalted him at his right hand ... We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him (Acts 5: 30-32).

Today, let us look for opportunities to testify, and like the Apostles, let us find ways to share the joy of our faith with others.

Have a great day.

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