Wednesday, April 15, 2020

His Word Today: New sight

Good morning everyone,

The biblical passages provided for our meditation today both focus on the importance of sight.  In particular, the new sight that is given when we look not at the world around us but at Jesus.

The passage from the Acts of the Apostles recounts the story of the meeting that took place when Peter and John were approaching the temple and arrived at the Beautiful Gate.  A man who was crippled from birth was there at the gate.  He was always there.  He was known to all those who passed by.  When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked for alms, but Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and they said to him: 'Look at us' (Acts 3: 3-4).  This was something new.  Most people who passed by would not look at him, nor would they ask him to look at them.  Most people would just drop coins and carry on, but these two men were different.

In the gospel passage, the two disciples were travelling from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  While they were conversing ... Jesus himself drew near and walked with them (Lk 24: 15), but they did not recognize him.  They walked along and spoke with him, they shared details of their pain and sorrow and he told them things about the scriptures, but it wasn't until they were at table that evening, when he took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them that their eyes were opened and they recognized him (Lk 24: 30-31).

In both these cases, God was giving new sight to those who needed to see him.  We too are invited to see the risen Jesus, but we must first ask for the gift of new sight so that we can focus our attention in the right places.  Evidence of the risen Jesus is all around us, but we need to look up from our own suffering, we need to look beyond our own concerns, we need to look for him, and we need to ask him to make himself known to us.

As details of the coronavirus pandemic continue to be reported, perhaps we are growing increasingly anxious, perhaps we are worried about loved ones or friends who are weak, perhaps we know of some who are sick and suffering with this disease.  Today, let us pray for the gift of new sight, let us dare to look up, and let us ask the risen Jesus to make himself known to us, to draw close to us and to walk with us.

Have a great day.

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