Friday, May 10, 2019

His Word Today: Food

Good morning everyone,

What a wonderful gift we have been given!  The Lord has invited each one of us to establish and to nurture a relationship with Him.  This relationship begins when we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and continues on a daily basis until the day we enter the Father's house.  Along the way, our God offers us the gifts of the other sacraments in order to help us live fruitful lives of faith.

In Reconciliation, we encounter the merciful face of God and celebrate the profound gift of divine forgiveness.  In the Eucharist, we eat of the Lord's flesh which is true food, and we drink of his blood which is true drink (cf Jn 6:55).  Fed with these special gifts, and enriched by regularly meditating on the word of God, we continue to grow and to mature in our love of God, and we continually perceive His love for us made visible in our daily lives.

Do we take the time to celebrate the Eucharist on a regular basis?  Do we receive the special food of the Eucharist?  And do we ever take time to thank the Lord for sharing this special food with us, for taking care to nourish us, his beloved children?

Have a great day.

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