Wednesday, May 8, 2019

His Word Today: Food

Good morning everyone,

We all need to eat in order to survive, but how often have we considered the fact that we need to receive the special nourishment that our God gives us in order to live in eternity?

In today's gospel, Jesus tells us: I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst (Jn 6:35).  In fact, those who receive this special food, which we call the Eucharist, and everyone who believes in him who has provided this food for us also bears the pledge of eternal life.

This special food is offered freely for all those who are in need of it, for all those who need to grow in their faith and for all those who must rely on it as a source of divine strength.  So let us approach the source of this special food and let us joyfully sing our praises to God.  Let us also receive the special food he offers and let us continue to trust that this special food will indeed lead us to the reward of eternal life.

Have a great day.

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