Tuesday, March 5, 2019

His Word Today: Everything

Good morning everyone,

In the gospel passage for today's Mass, we hear the voice of Peter speak.  I can imagine that he was perhaps frustrated at this particular moment.  Perhaps he had seen what he perceived to be affluence and comfort in the lives of others and this led him to question his own choices.  His words ring across the centuries: We have given up everything and followed you (Mk 10:28).  Perhaps we too have known this experience: disillusionment at having followed what we believed to be the right path, only to find that in place of reward there were only more questions.

Jesus responds with words meant to console the heart of one who is disillusioned: there is no one who has given up ... everything ... for my sake who will not receive a hundred times more in this present age ... and eternal life in the age to come (Mk 10:29-30).

It can be very difficult for human beings to grasp the wisdom of Jesus' words, but they contain a truth that has stood the test of time.  Look around and you will soon see: there are those who are reluctant to give up everything in order to follow Jesus.  Are they truly happy ... or are they still searching?  There are some who have given up everything for the sake of Jesus and his kingdom who seem to possess an inner joy because they know that in their willingness to renounce one treasure, they have a greater treasure to look forward to.

Have a great day.

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