Wednesday, March 20, 2019

His Word Today: Distracted

Good morning everyone,

During the season of Lent, our prayer leads us to be especially focused on Jesus' voice, but the more we progress through these days, the more possible it becomes that we might lose our focus and become distracted.

Evidence of distraction shows up in today's gospel.  As he was preparing to go to Jerusalem, where he knew that his hour would be fulfilled, he tried to explain the significance of this moment to his disciples: we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over ... and they will condemn him to death ... and he will be raised on the third day (Mt 20:18-19).  The problem was that his disciples were distracted because they had other ideas.

Jesus is trying to speak to us every day, but we have to be listening.  If we are distracted by other worries or if we have our own ideas about what we would like God to do for us, it will be more difficult to listen, to allow Him to lead us along the path he intends us to travel as we make our way toward the celebration of Easter.  Thankfully, it's not too late.  We can still refocus our attention.  We can still listen, if we are able to identify the noises that are distracting us, and if we are willing to set them aside.

Have a great day.

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