Wednesday, February 13, 2019

His Word Today: From Within

 Good morning everyone,

Jesus speak some interesting words today which end up challenging some of the dietary laws that were emphasized by the leaders of his time. Knowing that they were  looking at him with detrimental eyes, he  explained that food that enters the body from the outside cannot defile the body. This must have caught everyone by surprise. He dared to challenge the teachings of his religious superiors.

 Jesus challenged the teachings of his day on many such occasions. The reason why was because he wanted to  show us that religion is not a matter of laws for the sake of laws. Rather it is about  establishing a value system based on love.  If the value system of love is at the centre of our relationships then we will understand that dietary laws are meant to help us but never to constrain us.

Jesus invites us to discover the gift of new life. This new life is found and rooted in a relationship with him. He wants to have a personal relationship with us like the relationships that we might have with other human beings. Let us invite him today to reveal his heart to us. As we strive to live lives motivated by love we will also be more and more aware of the words we speak. That which comes out of us will also demonstrate the presence of our loving God in our lives.

Have a great day.

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