Tuesday, February 19, 2019

His Word Today: Confidence

Good morning everyone,

Throughout the time he spent with the disciples, Jesus tried to instil confidence in them.  The process included calling them to live a new life, and day after day, finding ways to reassure them that they were capable of being living examples of joy, love and forgiveness for others.  A key part of their confidence was drawn from their own ability to recognize that their strength and conviction came every day from their connection to Jesus.

The same is true for us today.  Each of us who is a disciple of Jesus is still a living sign of Jesus' joy, love and forgiveness, but like the original disciples, we must feed our souls on the presence of Jesus so that we can understand that he is the bread - the source of nourishment - that we need (cf Mk 8:14).

As others come to us today, looking for guidance, let us dare to point them to the source of the nourishment that we feed on - the bread of Jesus' joy, love and forgiveness.  These sources will never let us down.

Have a great day.

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