Monday, December 24, 2018

His Word Today: Speechless

Good morning everyone,

On this final day before the Church begins the liturgical season of Christmas, the scriptures present the image of Zechariah at the moment when he and Elizabeth are presenting their child in the temple.  Like the episodes of other encounters with the angel, this part of the story also recounts marvellous happenings and an overwhelming need to sing for joy.

In contrast to Mary's response of faith, when Zachariah encountered the angel Gabriel, he expressed skepticism (Lk 1:18).  In response to his questions, the proof of God's miraculous presence was confirmed by the fact that Zachariah's speech was taken away until the moment when he confirmed the plan that the Lord had set out.

We do not know how long Zachariah may have dreamed about having a son who would bear his name, or who would carry on his blood line, but in the end he was asked to say yes to a plan that was devised with a much wider scope than he could ever have imagined.  It took an extended period of time without the strength of his voice for this man to realize the significance of this moment in time.  Was he exuberant or reluctant to write on that tablet?

May his example of faith help us to grow in trust so that we too might be willing to understand that God's plans for us are far beyond our own comprehension.  At times we need to stop talking in order to get out of the way; only then are we able to recognize the way things are meant to be.

Have a great day.

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