Monday, June 25, 2018

His Word Today: Follow the rules

Good morning everyone,

As we begin the final week of classes for elementary students, perhaps it is the teachers and support staff who are uttering their prayers this morning: Help us ... Lord (cf Psalm 60).  Help us to be patient with the students for a few more days; help us to be living examples of your love for them (and for one another).  Help us to always remember that you are the one who is our teacher.

Our God has always been a patient teacher.  Ever since the first days when he walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, he has always been trying to teach us how to live and love as he does.  How many times have we been the ones who have chosen not to follow the rules (cf 2 Kings 17:5-18), preferring to think that we can change the rules to suit ourselves or that we can make up the rules on our own with little if any regard for the wisdom that the teacher wanted to impart?

We can turn to the Lord and ask for help; our prayers will always be heard and the help will always be given.  Perhaps today, we can look back over the past little while and be thankful for the lessons that we have learned from our heavenly teacher.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if all students could?

Have a great day.

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