Wednesday, June 6, 2018

His Word Today: Accentuate the positive

Good morning everyone,

A wise person once told me that the most effective way to help others to improve is to accentuate the positive.  This principle works for teachers - of all disciplines - who choose to focus on what their students do well and it works in all cases where mentors and pupils walk side by side.

The same was the case when Saint Paul wrote to his apostle Timothy, pointing out to him at the very beginning of his letter that he was grateful to God ... as I remember you constantly in my prayer, night and day (2 Tim 1:3).  From this point of departure, Paul shared some practical advice about how Timothy and his companions could set about living their faith.  This is what we all must do.

Be aware today (if you can) of the people who look to you for guidance and wisdom.  Be attentive to the ways in which you encourage them to recognize within themselves the successes they have achieved.  In light of those successes, it seems as though even their most challenging situations tend to improve, and the world around us is that much of a better place.

Have a great day.

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