Monday, October 30, 2017

His Word Today: Spirit of the Law

Good morning everyone.

The gospel passage for today's liturgy recounts one of those many instances when Jesus found himself being chastised by the leaders in the Synagogue.  In this case, he healed a woman who had been crippled and bent over for eighteen years (cf Lk 13:11).

Jesus was a wonderful teacher, not only because he knew what he was talking about but perhaps more importantly because he was able to see beyond the confines of the law to what we call the spirit of the law.  Jesus had that wonderful quality that we've all seen in good teachers, good parents, good people - an ability to go beyond the call of duty, to act out of compassion for the love of the person who was standing in front of him.

It's not always easy to act with compassion, but it is possible.

Happy Monday!

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