Tuesday, October 31, 2017

His Word Today: All Hallow's Eve

Good morning everyone.

Today, our little treasures are arriving at school dressed in their wonderful costumes.  This day is filled with lots of imagination and gives us a chance to have some fun, but did you know that Halloween is actually a contraction of the title for today - All Hallow's Eve?  This day, before tomorrow's liturgical celebration of All Saints (All Hallows).

In today's gospel passage, Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God as a collection of mustard seeds or of yeast (Lk 13:18-21), grains that are so small that we can easily miss them, ignore them or pay no attention to them, but he says that they have the potential to produce remarkable results.

Every one of those who are sporting costumes today is still working on achieving his or her potential in God's eyes.  Thank you for helping them to bloom.

Happy All Hallow's Eve.

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