Friday, August 2, 2019

His Word Today: Who

Good morning everyone,

The scripture passage for today's Mass poses a bit of a paradox: those who are gathered around Jesus are eager to listen for his words, and yet their hearts are left questioning the source of his wisdom ... Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds? (Mt 13:54) ... or are their words more an expression of their own amazement at who he has become?

Those who were gathered together that day had known Jesus as a child.  They had most certainly known his parents and the members of his extended family.  In a town of that size, they would have been well informed about every stage of his growth and development.  Knowledge can be a dangerous thing.  When we are familiar with some people and some situations, we find it more difficult to believe that such innocent people could have such wisdom, that such little children could have grown up to be so intelligent, and yet this is exactly the case.

Just as those people stood in wonder and awe in the presence of Jesus, let us dare to stand in wonder and awe before our God today.  Even if we have been praying for many years, we can still ask the Lord to refresh us with the gentle dew of his grace.  He knows how to instruct our hearts in a way that will always keep us focused because his wisdom is far above any human wisdom.

Have a great day.

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