Monday, August 12, 2019

His Word Today: Overwhelmed

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage (Mt 17:22-27), we have a glimpse into the intimate words that Jesus shared with his disciples.  Those twelve were not so different from us, for when Jesus said to them: The Son of Man is to be handed over to men, and they will kill him ... (Mt 17:22-23), they were overwhelmed with grief.

We too are overwhelmed at times when we consider all the suffering that we encounter: people who are experiencing fears and doubts, others who are grieving, still others who seem to have any myriad of questions, all of which demand attention, even if they cannot be adequately answered in a satisfactory length of time.  Just as the disciples contemplated what it might be like to face the world without Jesus at their side, we too must at times entertain such thoughts.  If we have begun to experience life with Jesus, we will never want to be deprived of his company.

When we find ourselves having to face situations that seem to overwhelm us, let us turn confidently toward Jesus.  Let us ask him to remain close to us and to always remind us that he was raised on the third day (Mt 17:23).  This was and always will be the conclusion of the Christian story: he suffered, he died and he was raised on the third day.  What an eloquent source of hope this is for us and for all those who are searching.

Have a great day.

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