Tuesday, December 18, 2018

His Word Today: Novena Day 2

Good morning everyone,

Today, the gospel passage speaks of secrets that are imparted and secrets that must be kept.  The gospel accounts of the Annunciation and Joseph's dream speak of a secret that was shared with the betrothed couple in Nazareth.

While Mary pondered the words that Gabriel had spoken to her and kept his proclamation hidden in her heart, her beloved betrothed, since he was a righteous man ... decided to divorce her quietly in order not to expose her to shame (cf Mt 1:19).  It must have been heartbreaking for Joseph to discover that the one he loved had been unfaithful to him: what scandal that would have been for both of them and for their families.

Then, Joseph was visited by an angel.  In a dream, he learned the details of the plan that had been revealed to Mary (cf Mt 1:20-21).  From that point onward, he and Mary would have exchanged knowing glances, even though neither of them could betray the secret that they held in their hearts.  Did they realize the magnitude of their yes?  Did they truly understand that they were taking part in the revelation of a mystery that had been unfolding ever since the creation of the world?

As we draw ever closer to the celebration of Christmas, let us ask the Lord to reveal this mystery to us, and to help us to treasure these truths in our hearts.

Have a great day.

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