Thursday, January 16, 2020

His Word Today: Pity

Good morning everyone,

The gospel passage for today begins by setting the scene: Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand to heal the leper (Mk 1:41).  The heart of our God is infinitely capable of compassion.  When we are weak, our God provides the strength that we need.  Even when our desire to help others overwhelms our physical capacity, our God is still willing and able to restore us.

I do will it; be made clean!  With a word, Jesus restored that man to wholeness.  In the same way, with a word, he is capable of restoring us to wholeness.  All we need to do is to call out for help, but first, we must be aware of our need.

The leper called out for help because he hoped that Jesus would be able to restore him to wholeness.  What prayer do we raise to heaven?  Like that leper, we too must learn to trust that our prayer will be heard.

Have a great day.

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