Wednesday, December 11, 2019

His Word Today: Parched

Good morning everyone,

The liturgical season of Advent is a privileged time for us to prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for the coming of Christmas.  In the midst of all the physical preparations for these coming celebrations, I have always longed for the time when I will be able to use this time of waiting to truly deepen my appreciation for the gift of waiting ... but then the haste of these weeks catches up with me and I find that the time has flown by.

In the midst of such a hectic pace, how appropriate the words of today's gospel passage sound as they resound in our hearts: Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Mt 11:28).  No amount of human effort ever seems to be enough for us to achieve the rest that we all need - especially at times when we are surrounded with multiple demands and frenetic paces, but the Lord promises us the gift of his rest, rest for our souls that hold the promise of refreshment for our weary souls.

Come then dear friends.  Let us draw near to the Lord; let us seek in him the gift of rest for our souls and refreshment for our hearts.

Have a great day.

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