Saturday, October 13, 2018

His Word Today: Blessedness

Good morning everyone,

Have you ever noticed that some attitudes - such as joy and happiness - are often infectious?  We might say that they carry a germ with which we all want to be infected.  The same can be said for blessedness: the knowledge that we have received favour in the sight of God.

While Jesus was speaking - one day - a woman from the crowd called out and said to him: 'Blessed is the womb that carried you ...' (Lk 11:27).  This sounds like a great complement that was meant to be paid to Jesus' mother, intended for her alone to ponder, but Jesus widens the scope of this praise by replying: ... blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it (Lk 11:28).

I used to think that this was some form of denial of his mother in favour of others who were listening to his word, but the truth is that Mary was probably right there in the crowd.  She was the first to hear the word of God and she taught everyone else - by her example - how to observe it.  She can help us today to learn how to listen for God's word, and most especially, how to enrich our lives with the advice that it offers.

Have a great day.

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