Monday, February 26, 2018

His Word Today: Mercy

Good morning everyone.

As we enter into the second week of Lent, we are invited once again to come close to the merciful heart of Jesus.  There we will encounter the gifts of compassion and forgiveness (cf Daniel 9:9) which are the fruits of mercy.

Mercy is the gift that allows the Lord to welcome us, his precious children, no matter what we may have done, no matter how far away from Him we may have wandered.  Sometimes it is very easy for us to drift away from regular contact with our God.  If distance from the love and acceptance of our heavenly Father continues, the result is that our hearts become slowly but increasingly hardened, but this is the great gift of the Lenten season: God never tires of seeing us out and offering us another chance to come close, to discover His ever-fresh and ever-merciful heart which always has room to envelop us with its warmth.

Jesus encouraged his disciples to be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful (Lk 6:36).  Let us pray today for the grace to recognize God's great mercy at work in our lives, and for the even greater blessing of allowing that experience of mercy to motivate us to act as God would act: to show mercy to those we encounter today.

Have a great day.

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