Sunday, April 20, 2008


On the last day of his pilgrimage to the United States of America, Pope Benedict XVI will visit Ground Zero in New York at 9:30 this morning. There, he will meet family members of those who perished in the 2001 terrorist attacks which toppled the World Trade Center. Also present will be some of the survivors and members of the emergency response teams who were there to provide assistance to those in need. The Holy Father will pray for those who died as well as for those who still struggle to come to grips with the devastating reality represented by that place.

At 2:30 this afternoon, he will preside at a Mass in Yankee Stadium where organizers are expecting more than 58,000 to be in attendance. Yesterday, the Holy Father celebrated Mass at Saint Patrick's Basilica with bishops, priests and men and women religious who are presently serving in the Archdiocese of New York. Today, the public will have the occasion to celebrate with him ... or at least those who were lucky enough to get admission tickets.

At 8:00 this evening, following a brief departure ceremony which will take place at JFK International Airport, Shepherd One is scheduled to depart, taking the Pope and the members of his entourage back to Rome.

Stay tuned for the texts of the Holy Father's addresses. They will be posted here as soon as they are available.

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