Sunday, March 23, 2008

Alleluias all round

Happy Easter!

This is a day of great rejoicing. The drama that is fulfilled on this day actually began in an upper room where a man was gathered with his closest friends to share a meal. He did some pretty strange and confusing things like washing his friends' feet, and then he spoke about the fact that he was setting an example. Did he actually mean that he wanted his friends to literally wash each other's feet, or were his comments meant to be interpreted in a much wider fashion?

Just a few hours later, this man found himself back in his familiar surroundings. There were olive trees in that garden, and he knew them well. Was he comforted by their presence, even though he was in such mental and emotional agony? ... and then the soldiers came and the next chapter unfolded. By the time the sun rose, he was already well on the way to being convicted ... of what? ... we really don't know, but the strange part was that he was silent through most of this commotion.

Reports are that he walked to his own death. Were there crowds gathered around or was it just a few who gazed sympathetically on the situation? The soldiers apparently had to break the legs of the other two who were crucified with him, but he himself was already dead by the time they got to him. What a rush there must have been in those final hours before sunset. They had to take his body down, wrap it in the burial cloths and find a tomb, all before the Sabbath candles were lit at sunset! Whew!

And early this morning, there is breaking news that some women have been to the tomb and found the rock rolled back. They say that the body is missing, but that the burial cloths are all there. Why would the bandits have unwrapped him? ... and WHY would they have taken the time to fold the cloth that was over his face? Something strange has indeed occurred.

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