Monday, July 15, 2019

His Word Today: Authentic

Good morning everyone,

We can perhaps envision the scene portrayed in today's gospel passage (Mt 10:34 - 11:1) as one of the initial moments during which Jesus was getting to know his disciples, and during which they were beginning to create their first impressions about who he was and what his ideas might have been for engaging in the work of spreading the good news of God to others.

Jesus speaks of a series of characteristics which are sought in those who might be hoping to have the chance to follow him; in fact, these are parameters within which all disciples must strive to live. Each phrase begins with the words whoever loves someone or something more than me is not worthy of me (Mt 10:37-39).

In some cases, this first impression may have scared off some potential disciples, but having been put to the test, every authentic follower of Jesus will use these words as a kind of test to validate our desire to follow Him.  Try it and see:  each time you might be tempted to follow another path that threatens to draw you away from Jesus, ask yourself: do I love this person, or am I enticed by this thing ... or this possibility?  Will it bring me life and true happiness in a way that is better than what I have already been promised by knowing Jesus?

Have a great day.

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