Friday, June 14, 2019

His Word Today: Radical

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage (Mt 5:27-32), Jesus challenges his disciples to be radical about their choice to follow after him.  He knows the human heart very well.  He knows that there is always a part of us that will say yes to him and another part of us that will constantly be tempted to live a hidden life where we are not quite willing to give ourselves completely to the commitment that we have spoken.

Jesus uses one of the teachings that his disciples have heard before to make his point: You have heard it said, 'You shall not commit adultery, but I say to you ... (Mt 5:27-28).  What Jesus was asking his disciples, and what he asks us today, is to be radical about our choice to follow him.  If we want to be his disciples, we must be completely honest about our commitment.

Today, let us ask Jesus to give us the resolve to be radical about our choice to be like him.  Let us ask him to help us not hide part of ourselves from him, but to bring everything about us into the light.  Our God constantly wants to strengthen the relationship He has with us.  He is always inviting us to open our hearts and to share our hopes, our dreams, our fears and our disappointments with him.

Have a great day.

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