Tuesday, September 18, 2018

His Word Today: Compassion

Good morning everyone,

One of the precious gifts that we learn from Jesus is the ability to be close to others at times in their lives when they are happy, but even more importantly, when they are sad, distraught and grieving.  If we have ever been in a situation where we have tried to console someone who has lost a loved one, we will know how strange it can be to want for words.

It might help to look to Jesus for some guidance with this challenge as well.  When he came upon a woman who was being escorted outside the walls of her hometown so that she could bury her only son, he was not afraid to draw close to her, to enter into the drama that was unfolding and to be present to her in the midst of her grief (cf Lk 7:11-13).

The woman was not capable of absorbing any spoken condolence, but Jesus' actions spoke louder than words.  The same can be true for us.  At times when we cannot absorb the wisdom of the spoken word, the actions of those around us can speak volumes.  Today, let us ask for the grace to recognize those who are in need, even those who are incapable of recognizing their own need, and the courage to act out of love and compassion for them.

Have a great day.

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