Thursday, November 16, 2017

His Word Today: watch for the signs

Good morning everyone.

Have you ever had the experience of travelling along a highway and trying to find your way by following the directions that are pointed out by the road signs?  Usually, if we have at least an idea of where we are headed, the signs will help to point out the path that we must follow.  As we get closer and closer to our destination, we have to focus on smaller and smaller road signs and eventually on the numbers that point out the address of the place where we're headed.

In the gospels, Jesus speaks on various accounts about the Kingdom of God.  In today's gospel passage, he is doing, his audience is the group that we know as the Pharisees.  I find it curious that he is chatting with the group who had the responsibility to point out the road signs to the rest of the Jewish population, and yet Jesus was the one who was doing the pointing.

In fact, Jesus explained that the coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed (Lk 17:20) not in the same way as we are used to seeing things.  Rather, the Kingdom of God is among us (Lk 17:21).  The signs that point the way are already planted in our hearts.  All we need to do is pay attention to them.  Ask the Lord today to point them out.

Have a great day.

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