Sunday, October 12, 2008

Getting to the point

In the coming days ... and weeks, there will be two national elections held on this continent. This indeed is a rare occasion, and it has provided more than its fair share of fodder for the likes of the local and national media types.

Amid all the fuss and bother of rhetoric that is flying freely between the candidates for various ridings in Canada, and between the candidates for the office of President and Vice-President in the USA, it seems difficult at times, if not downright impossible to find the truth about what is really going on or what the real issues are.

What's really at stake? Why do we need to take our civic responsiblility seriously? What role does faith play in all this? Thanks to the folks at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Wilmington, Delaware, some answers to these questions are available, perhaps for a limited time, on their website. They have created a short video which is quite thought-provoking. Have a look, and please feel free to share your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that video had quite alot to say. Wonder if Canadians will conduct their vote accordingly... There are a number of speeches and videos of interest at: