Monday, December 24, 2007

'Twas the night before Christmas

Here we are on the day before Christmas. If your life is anything like mine, the furthest thing from reality is the poetic imagery of not a creature stirring in the house ... not even the mice. Instead, we are often surrounded with all manner of last minute details to be attended to.

Even the decorations department might still be a bit behind. I for one only managed to get the annual village scene set up last night, where it joined the likes of the Christmas tree and the crèche. Increasing numbers of people choose to decorate the outside of their family dwellings with lights, but few have probably gone as far as to choriograph their light show with music on the side.

If this isn't enough, how about some examples of outside Christmas decorations from San Francisco? Since there is no snow, they actually create the illusion of snow and the rest of Santa's entouage ... all in lights!

Personally, I much prefer to dwell on other aspects of the Christmas season, such as the music that has been developed over the centuries. Whether it's instrumental renditions or somewhat more jazzed up vocal versions of the traditional favorites, music for the yule season has a character all its own.

As we celebrate the One who first gave us the gift of His presence, let us be thankful for the many traditions, old and young, that allow us to celebrate and give thanks for all that we have received.

Merry Christmas to all ... and to all a good night.

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